Ana Paula Appel

Senior Data Scientist and Quantum Ambassador at IBM Client Engineering Brazil 



About Me

I am a Senior Data Scientist at IBM Client Engineering and a Senior Quantum Ambassador. Previously I worked at IBM Research (from 02/2012 to 04/2021). My interests include machine learning, graph mining and learning, data preprocessing, and databases. 

I am also passionate about innovation and for that, I have been working in patents for the last 9 years. I am also advocating for Women in STEM and I have been leading initiatives inside and outside IBM Brazil as WIDS (women in data science) workshop at The WebConference and this year I will be a Stanford Ambassador for WIDS.

I am also a member of the committee from PKDD, DSAA, Data Mining Journal, etc. 

Before I joined IBM Research I worked as a professor in academia, at the University of São Paulo, Federal University of São Carlos, and Federal University of Espirito Santo teaching Data Mining, Database, and Computer Programming. 


🎓 Post – Doc in Computer Science (2011)

Federal University of São Carlos – Brazil

🎓 Ph. D. in Computer Science (2010)

University of São Paulo at São Carlos – Brazil

🎓 Visiting Scholar

Carnegie Mellon University - US (2008)

🎓 M.Sc. Degree in Computer Science (2003)

University of São Paulo at São Carlos – Brazil

🎓 B.S. Degree in Computer Science (2000)

Federal University of São Carlos – Brazil